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Message from Daw Aung San Suu Kyi

“There is an urgent need to lay the foundations for peace, security and freedom in our country. Each of us must play a part in this national endeavor. The Daw Khin Kyi Foundation seeks to contribute towards a peaceful, prosperous and progressive society by empowering our people through practical schemes that will give them confidence in their ability to realize their potential. We hope that all those who wish Burma well will join us in our efforts.”

Aung San Suu Kyi

our vision

The transformation of Burma into a Democratic Nation which is able to stand with pride among the countries of the world; is our vision. We believe that the people of Burma will live in peace, enjoying the freedom that is their rights.

The needs of Burma’s rural communities are vast, the challenges faced by the villages and remote townships are in numerous, but the opportunities for lasting change are immense and exciting. It is our vision to bring development that librates isolated places, linearization of economics and social potential and libration also of mind.

our mission

Achieving that vision requires us to focus upon practical interventions. We must support new direction to our education system; we must work towards effective health care system which can be enjoyed by people at all levels.

We must invest in our rural communities, developing a new agriculture venture which produces safe and quality food, human capacity building, more job opportunities for our growing young generation.

These are huge tasks but we believe that these can be done by bringing together the skills of Burmese people and the good will of our many friends and supporters. With our firm commitment and determination, we will succeed.

What is the Daw Khin Kyi Foundation?

The Daw Khin Kyi Foundation was established in 2012 by the Nobel Laureate, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, in loving memory of her mother, Daw Khin Kyi. The purpose of the foundation is to promote the health, education and living standards of the people of the country, focusing its attention especially on the needs of Burma’s least developed areas. The Foundation is a non-profit charity that seeks to achieve these goals irrespective of ethnicity, race or religion, believing that improvement in one place creates a better future for all.

The Foundation is politically neutral and works with government agencies, international NGOs and other partners. Receiving funds from within the country as well as from friends of Burma abroad, we are able to accept charitable donations, public and private subsidies and legacies according to the law.

Firmly rooted in Burma, we welcome both local and international expertise that can be targeted to meet the real needs of the Burmese people. We are an officially registered local foundation and are authorised to operate in all parts of the country.

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